Sunday, August 11, 2019

Stitched Photoscapes workshop at GAAQG's Quilt University 27-28 July 2019

Whenever I teach this workshop, I'm always astonished at the range of backgrounds, layouts and designs that students use with my technique!  Case in point with the Greater Ann Arbor Quilting Guild's Quilt University event last month.

Here's the range of photos the students chose to work with (each person chose their own):

And here's what they did with their photos:

Even more astonishing (and so exciting, for me) is what they did with the 3 photos I provided for them to practice on, on the first day.

Here are the work-in-progress (and some finished) pieces, using the autumn tree photo:

 And the sunset:
And, finally, the lake:

This was a talented and creative bunch of people, who were willing take a chance with me and work outside of the traditional quilting box, and who hopefully had fun playing in the process!
Thanks, ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work!!
    Do you give on-line classes?
    Than you.
